物理学先端教育研究センター (CREPE)


京大 理学研究科 物理学・宇宙物理学専攻


DECS (Discussions in English about Contemporary Science) が 1 月 22 日(水)6.30pm–7.30pm に開催されます。

DECS is a discussion group aimed at providing a venue to practise the kind of informal scientific communication in English that scientists need during international conference coffee breaks, dinners, and poster sessions, as well as when international visitors are around. But that’s not all! For more experienced English speakers, native or otherwise, it’s a great networking event, giving international students and staff a chance to chat and discuss with people outside their respective fields. The sessions are open to all Physics grad students, postdocs, and staff. We’re always looking to welcome new faces,
and hear about exciting new science!